HMENU About Capital Gainz Capital Gainz is an investment portfolio manager. Features include: - Easy to understand form/table interface, with labeled function keys. - Record purchases, sales, and distributions. Selling methods include FIFO, LIFO, max gains, min gains, and average price. - Calculate a security's total return, based on price and distributions. - Calculate your actual realized performance, based on purchases, sales, and distributions. - Limit reports by security or date range, and then direct them to the screen, a file, or your printer. - Maintain a history of prices based on the entered transactions. You can also update prices from a file or the screen. - Keep up to separate portfolios. - Associate broker/investment company accounts with securities. - Record stock splits and short sales. - Reinvest distributions. Sweep sale proceeds into other accounts. - Determine portfolio allocation by security classification. - Generate Schedule B and D-1 of the tax forms Capital Gainz is available from: David Lee Cohen, DBLinx P.O. Box 12545, RTP, NC 27709-2545 (919)-469-5196 EST Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MLOGMAP BBUY SSELL DDISTR Activity Logs - Add/Change/Delete Purchases, Sales, and Distributions The activity logs refer to the open shares, closed shares, and disribution records for a particular security. At the top the log table, enter the symbol of the local security, or hit the ENTER key to bring up a list of symbols to choose from. After a valid symbol is entered or selected, a list of the associated transactions are displayed. For instance, if you chose the Open Shares Log, and entered XYZ for the local security symbol, then the list of purchases you've entered for stock XYZ is displayed. You can scroll through this list with the arrow keys and PGUP and PGDN key. With the list of records displayed, you can: - Add a record with the INS key - Change a record by highlighting it and hitting ENTER - Delete a record by highlighting it and hitting DEL - Delete the displayed range of records - Print the associated activity detail report Help Menu Buying Shares Selling Shares Distributions ESC:Exit HMENU Activity Activity Menu Map Buy Shares Sell Shares Record Distr Buy Shares Form Sell Shares Form Distr Form Cover Sell Select Select Distr Use Short Method Open Category Type Table Shares Table Distr Enter # Shares Reinvest Redistr Proceeds Cover Fee Sell Shares Buy Shares Buy Shares Record Distr Record Distr Sell Shares Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU USETTINGS $Backup When you hit the key labeled 'Backup' on the Main Menu, the backup command defined in the User Settings Form is executed. By default, this is: CAPGNZBU A CAPGNZBU.BAT is a batch file that simply copies all of the data files from the current directory to the disk in drive A. You can change the backup command in the User Settings Form to execute any single line command or batch file you wish. If your data files are too big to fit on a single diskette, you'll have to change the command. You can backup to drive B, assuming that it has a bigger disk capacity, by changing the command to: CAPGNZBU B Or, you can compress all of the files onto a disk using PKZIP with this: PKZIP A:DATA.ZIP *.DAT *.K01 Finally, you can modify the CG.BAT startup batch file to automatically backup your data before and/or after running Capital Gainz. Help Menu User Settings ESC:Exit HMENU Broker/Inv Co Map Broker/Investment Company Table Change Delete Broker Broker Broker Broker Report Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MBRKMAP Broker/Investment Company The Broker/Investment Company file lets you keep names, addresses, and phone numbers of brokers and mutual fund companies used to buy and sell shares in your portfolio. Broker/investment companies and account numbers occur in both local and global security records. You probably want to associate a mutual fund company with the global security, but specify the account number in the local security. Also, you may want to associate some default or 'dummy' broker with a stock in the global security, and define actual broker holding the shares in the local security. For instance, for the global security Twentieth Century Vista, set the broker/investment company to Vista's mutual fund company, Twentieth Century, Inc. Give the global security a blank account number. When you create a local Vista security, link it to the global Vista security and set the account number. You add, change, and delete broker/investment companies from the Broker/ Investment Company Table, available from the Main Menu. The broker/investment company report shows all of the defined broker/ investment companies. You can choose to subtotal broker/investment company commissions over a given period. There is also an option in the Portfolio Detail report to subtotal your holdings by broker/investment company. Help Menu ESC:Exit HMENU MACTMAP AACTLOG !Buying Shares To record a share purchase, fill in the Buy Shares Form. You get to this form from the Activity submenu, or from the Open Shares Log via the Log Maintenance submenu. When you get to it from the Activity submenu, the form is repeatedly accepted until you explicitly exit. Function keys on the Buy Shares Form let you go to the Sell Shares Form, go to the Distribution Form, and toggle calculations. Also, short-cut keys let you immediately accept/reject the form. Using the accept key is the same as hitting ENTER on each field. Using the reject key is the same as hitting ESC on each field, and returns you to the Activity submenu (or log). To help you keep track: a counter in the upper right-hand corner is incremented when a record is written; when you enter a symbol, the number of open shares is displayed next to the Shares field; and when you hit ENTER on a blank Symbol field, a lookup table shows the last recorded activity dates. To change or delete records added with the Buy Shares Form, go to the Open Shares Log from the Log Maintenance submenu. The log for a local security shows a list of recorded purchases, from oldest to most recent. Help Menu Activity Logs ESC:Exit HMENU !Calculations Capital Gainz employs a number of calculation to determine performance. - Open shares gain/loss shows the current gain/loss of open shares, based on the basis price, commissions, and the current security price. - Closed shares gain/loss shows the gain/loss you achieved via sales, based on the basis price, commissions, and the sale price. - Yield shows the current yield of a security, based on the current price, number of dividend/interest payouts per year, and last per share amount. - Total return shows the return of a security based on beginning price, ending price, and distributions over a period. This figure assumes that distributions are reinvested. The total return figure and corresponding annual percentage rate are shown on the Activity Summary Report. - Your performance is calculated based on initial holdings, purchases, sales, and distributions recorded over a period. The Activity Summary Report shows this figure and the corresponding annual percentage rate. - Average price calculations usually show the weighted average purchase or sale price. The Price History Table and Report show a simple average price. - Portfolio allocation shows a portfolio breakdown by security classes. The users manual contains the mathematical equations, along with examples. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU USETTINGS $Colors You can the colors used by Capital Gainz. On the User Settings Form, the Colors function brings up the Select Screen Colors table. This shows an array of screen kinds (Portfolio, Global Security, etc) and screen types (forms, tables, other). The screen types are displayed in the currently set foreground and background colors. To change colors for a screen type/kind, move the pointer to it and and hit ENTER. This brings up a screen that lets you pick the colors. Two rows of colored 'blocks' are displayed, one for the foreground color and one for the background color. First, position the pointer under the desired foreground color and hit ENTER. The, do the same for the desired background color. An string of text at the top of the screen shows you what the color combination looks like. Enter YES to the question at the bottom of the screen to select the colors, or NO to not go back to the previous colors. So, to change the Local Security Table to display a tranquil blue on cyan (light blue), position the pointer next to TABLE on the row labeled Local Security. Hit ENTER. Then, position the pointer under the dark blue block on the foreground color and hit ENTER. Position the pointer on the cyan block on the background color and hit ENTER. Enter YES to change the colors. Help Menu User Settings ESC:Exit HMENU !Delete Range On the Open Shares Log, Closed Shares Log, Distribution Log, and Price History Table, there is a function key labeled Delete Range. Hitting this key deletes the displayed range of records. For instance, say you are displaying the Open Shares Log for 1/1/91 to 12/31/91. Then, hitting the Delete Range key deletes all of the open shares records for that local security from 1/1/91 to 12/31/91. Since many records may be affected, you are always asked for confirmation before the records are deleted. For the Price History Table, you can delete the just the prices, just the distributions, or both prices and distributions for the displayed global security. If you delete a range of records in the Open Shares Log, Closed Shares Log, or Distribution Log, the corresponding price history entries are not deleted. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MACTMAP DDISTYPE AACTLOG Distributions To record a distribution, fill in the Distribution Form. You get to this form from the Activity submenu, or from the Distribution Log via the Log Maintenance submenu. When you get to it from the Activity submenu, the form is repeatedly accepted until you explicitly exit. Function keys on the Distribution Form let you go to the Buy Shares Form, go to the Sell Shares Form, and toggle calculations. Also, short-cut keys let you immediately accept/reject the form. Using the accept key is the same as hitting ENTER on each field. Using the reject key is the same as hitting ESC on each field, and returns you to the Activity submenu (or log). To help you keep track: a counter in the upper right-hand corner is incremented when a record is written; and when you hit ENTER on a blank Symbol field, a lookup table shows the last recorded activity dates. After recording a distribution, you are taken to the Buy Shares Form to record any subsequent reinvestment. To change or delete records added with the Distribution Form, go to the Distribution Log from the Log Maintenance submenu. The log for a local security shows a list of recorded distributions, from oldest to most recent. Help Menu Distribution Types Activity Logs ESC:Exit HMENU DDISTR Distribution Types When you record a distribution with the Distribution Form, you must specify the type of distribution. The following distributions are supported: - Dividends (DIV) or Interest (INT): if the global security was defined as paying Dividends, then the dividend (DIV) distribution type is available. Otherwise, use the interest (INT) distribution type. Dividends are reported in Section II of Schedule B, and interest is reported in Section I. - Short Term Capital Gains (STCG): any short term capital gains distributed. - Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG): any long term capital gains distributed. Short term and long term capital gains distributions are reported in Section II of Schedule B, and subtracted back out at the bottom. If a distribution is not categorized as long or short term, assume long term. - Fees (FEE): miscellaneous fees, such as IRA maintenance fees. - Return of Principal (PRIN): return of capital, reduces your basis. When you record a return of principal, a sold shares record is created with 0 shares and the open and sold amount set to the distribution amount. The amount is reported in Sextion II of Schedule B, and subtracted out. After recording a DIV, INT, STCG, or LTCG, you are taken to the Buy Shares Form. You must complete this form to reinvest the distribution. After a FEE, you are taken to the Sell Shares form to sell shares to cover the fee. Help Menu Distributions ESC:Exit HMENU Security Fixup The Security Fixup function is available from the Local Security Table. It allows you to modify the 'hidden' values for a local security. If Capital Gainz aborts abnormally while adding, changing, or deleting records, the open share information stored in the security records may become out of sync with the actual values in the open shares file. If this happens, you can change the information in the security records with the Security Fixup function. In the Local Security Fixup Form, you can set: - Total open shares, open amount, and open commission - Short term open shares, open amount, and open commission (double category) A function key on this form lets you compute the total and short term open shares totals by tracing purchases and sales from the beginning to the present. Short term values are only set for double category securities. Under normal circumstances, you'll never have a need for the Security Fixup. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU System Flow Tasks you'll take care of infrequently include: Start Change User Settings Define Portfolios Here's a flow chart of typical, day-to-day activities: Start Securities Defined? Define Global Define Local Define Securities Securities Broker/Inv Cos Buy/Sell/Distr Activity View Local Securities View Activity Logs Reports Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Global File Composition User Settings File Portfolio File Broker/Inv Co File Revision Number Holding Period Portfolio Name Address 1 Confirm Add Description 1 Address 2 Confirm Update Description 2 Confirm Delete Description 3 State Reinvest Flag Log Transactions Flag Phone Append Reports Flag Backup Command Global Security File Price History Interval Lines Per Page Global Symbol Price History File Use Line Draw Flag Security Name Screen Color Array Broker/Inv Co Name Global Symbol File Viewer Account Number Commissions in Basis Security Type Price Type Current Portfolio ID Dividends/Interest Flag Price Form Accept Key Dividends Per Year Form Reject Key Short Sales Flag Help Menu !ESC:Exit Redistribute Flag HMENU MGSCMAP LLOCSEC SSECTYPE Global Securities A global security defines a particular stock, bond, or mutual fund. Local securities are linked to global securities, and have actual associated activity. The price history is associated with the global security. Global and local securities both have symbols associated with them, but the symbols can be the same. The global security symbol must be unique over all global securities, but the local security symbol must only be unique within a given portfolio. If you have two portfolios that both contain IBM stock, you can set the global symbol and both local symbols to 'IBM'. On the other hand, you may have one portfolio that holds IBM stock both within and outside of an IRA plan. in this case, you can define the global symbol as 'IBM', and link two local security symbols, say IBMT (IBM taxable) and 'IBMTF' (IBM tax-free) to it. You get to the Global Security Table from the Main Menu. From here, you can add, change, or delete global securities. You can also get to this table from the Local Security Form by hitting ENTER on a blank global symbol. Information for the linked global security is shown at the bottom of the Local Security Form. You can also change the global security from this form. Help Menu Local Securities Security Types ESC:Exit HMENU Global Security Map Global Security Table Add Change Delete Price Price Global Security Security Security History Update Security Report Price Security Broker Toggle Update Screen Type Lookup Dividends/ Price Change Table Interest Price File Delete Price Skeleton Delete Range Price History 1Report Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Local File Composition Local Security File Open Shares File Closed Shares File Local Symbol Local Symbol Local Symbol Global Symbol Purchase Date Sell Date Broker/Inv Co Name Shares Purchased Short Term Flag Account Number Purchase Price Shares Sold Non-Taxable Flag Purchase Amount Sell Price Last Sell Method Purchase Commission Sell Amount Open Shares Purchase Notes Sell Commission Open Amount Sell Notes Open Commission Open Date Short Term Open Shares Distributions File Open Price Short Term Open Amount Open Amount Short Term Open Commission Local Symbol Open Commission Last Migration Date Distribution Date Open Basis Sell Flag Distribution Type Price Precision Distribution Amount Shares Precision Distribution Per Share Distribution Notes Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MLSCMAP GGLOSEC Local Securities A local security has open share information associated with it, and is linked to a global security. The global security defines the actual security-specific details, while the local security is an instance of the global security held in a portfolio. The reason for distinguishing between the two is to reduce redundancy - the price history of a security is associated with only the global security. Global and local securities both have symbols, but the symbols can be the same. The global security symbol must be unique over all global securities, but the local security symbol must only be unique within a portfolio. If two portfolios contain IBM stock, you can set the global symbol and both local symbols to 'IBM'. Or, if one portfolio holds IBM stock both within and outside of an IRA plan, you can define the global symbol as 'IBM' and link two local security symbols, say IBMT (IBM taxable) and 'IBMTF' (IBM tax-free) to it. You get to the Local Security Table from the Main Menu. From here, you can add, change, or delete local securities. The Local Security Lookup table, brought up when you enter an invalid symbol on an activity form, also allows add, change, and delete. The 'precisions' for a local security refer to the number of decimal digits the company maintains for price/share values. Help Menu Global Securities ESC:Exit HMENU Activity Logs Map Log Maintenance Menu Date Range Open Shares Log Closed Shares Log Distribution Log Open Shares Closed Shares Distribution Change Change Change Open Shares Closed Shares Distribution Delete Delete Delete Open Shares Closed Shares Distribution Delete Range Delete Range Delete Range Open Shares Closed Shares Distribution Detail Report Detail Report Detail Report Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Local Security Map Local Security Table Add Change Delete Price Price Fixup Stock Portfolio Security Security Security History Update Split Summary Report Price Broker Global Screen Activity Method Lookup Security Change Report Table Lookup Price File Activity Delete Summary Price Skeleton Report Update Price Delete Allocation Range Report Change Global Price History Security Report Help Menu ;ESC:Exit AACTMAP SLSCMAP LLOGMAP PPORMAP GGSCMAP BBRKMAP RREPMAP USETMAP VVDOCMAP HMENU Main Menu Map Activity Security Log Maintenance Portfolio Global Security Broker/Investment Company Reports Backup DOS User Settings View Documentation Help Menu #ESC:Exit FFLOWMAP RRELFIL AABOUT PPRICE NNAVMAP LLOCFIL AACTLOG PVIEW MMAINMAP GGLOFIL BBACKUP RREPORT1 AACTMAP ) BBROKER = RREPORT2 LLSCMAP BBUY RREPORT3 LLOGMAP CCALC SSECTYPE PPORMAP CCOLORS SMETHODS GGSCMAP DDELRNG SSELL BBRKMAP DDISTR SSPLITS RREPMAP DDISTYPE SFIXUP VVDOCMAP GGLOSEC UUNSELL LLOCSEC USETTINGS PPORT Capital Gainz Help Menu FILES GENERAL Relationship About Price History Navigation Local Files Activity Logs Print/View Reports Main Menu Global Files Bacup Reports/1 Activity Broker/Inv Co Reports/2 Local Security Buying Shares Reports/3 Log Maintenance Calculations Security Types Portfolio Colors Selling Methods Global Security Delete Range Selling Shares Broker/Inv Co Distributions Stock Splits Reports Distribution Types Security Fixup View Docs Global Securities Unsell Shares Local Securities User Settings Portfolios ENTER:Select 7ESC:Exit HMENU SSELL Selling Methods The selling methods available in Capital Gainz are: - First-In/First-Out (FIFO): shares are sold beginning with the oldest open shares records. - Last-In/First-out (LIFO): shares are sold beginning with the most recent open shares records. - Maximum Gain/Minimum Loss (MAX): shares are sold using the the open shares records with the lowest purchase prices. - Minimum Gain/Maximum Loss (MAX): shares are sold using the the open shares records with the highest purchase prices. - Specific Identity (ID): select the shares to sell by selecting the open shares records from a table. - Single Category (SCAT): the average price of all open shares is used as the basis, and shares are sold beginning with the oldest open shares records. - Double Category (DCAT): open shares are divided in short term and long term categories, and the average of each category is used as the basis. You can choose to sell shares beginning with the short or long term categories. The users manual contains examples of each selling method. Also, an entire chapter discusses the methods in detail, along with tax considerations. Help Menu Selling Shares ESC:Exit HMENU Buy Shares High-Level Activity Sell Shares Navigation Distributions Local Securities Add/Change/Delete Open Shares Log Add/Change/Delete Closed Shares Log Add/Change/Delete Distributions Log Add/Change/Delete Menu Portfolios Current/Add/Change/Delete Global Securities Add/Change/Delete Broker/Inv Co Add/Change/Delete Reports Print/View Reports User Settings Change Preferences View Docs Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Portfolio Map Portfolio Table Change Delete Migrate Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Current Double Values Report ,Category Portfolio Summary Report Portfolio Detail Report Allocation BReport Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MPORMAP "Portfolios A portfolio separates holdings, and contains zero or more local securities. Forms and reports that are portfolio specific always show the associated portfolio's name, if you defined more than one portfolio. Local security maintenance and buy, sell, and distribution activity always apply to the current portfolio, which is the last portfolio opened. Portfolio information is shown in the Portfolio Table, available from the Main Menu. From this table, you can bring up the Portfolio Form to add, change, or delete portfolios. To set the current portfolio, bring up the Portfolio Table, highlight the portfolio that you want, and hit ENTER. A checkmark is displayed next to the current portfolio. Each portfolio is numbered from 001 to . This number is appended to the file names for the associated local securities, open shares, closed shares, and distributions. Help Menu ESC:Exit HMENU !Price History Each global security has an associated price history, consisting of prices, distributions per share, and splits. Whenever you record a purchase or sale, the price is added to the price history file, and when you record a distribution, the per share amount is added. The current value of a security is based on the latest recorded price. Price history records can be added, changed, or deleted from the Price History Table. This table can be brought up from the Local Security Table or from the Global Security Table. You can update all global security prices from the screen or an ASCII file using the Price Update function on the Local Security Table or Global Security Table. Or, you can update just a single global security's price directly from the Local Security Form or the Global Security Form. The Price History Interval saves disk space by spreading out the prices. The total return calculation relies on the price history form the begin date and price, end date and price, and reinvestment amount and prices. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU File Relationships Portfolio Global ID is Security global part of global File symbol Price symbol Local History broker Security File broker local Broker/ symbol Inv Co Settings $Open Closed Distr $Shares Shares File $File Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Report Map Report Menu Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Print To Portfolio Summary All or Current Report Portfolio File Form View Report Date Select Broker Range Securities Open Shares Report Detail Report Portfolio Detail Global Report Activity Summary Closed Shares Securities Report Detail Report Report Allocation Report Price History Distribution Report Detail Report Settings Schedule B & Report Schedule D-1 Activity Detail Mixed Reports Report Detail Report Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MREPMAP PVIEW RREPORT2 RREPORT3 $Reports/1 This screen describes the reports in the first section of the Report Menu. It also describes the Open Information for Shares Sold Report. These reports are for all portfolios. - Portfolio Summary Report: shows the current open value and gain/loss for each portfolio. This report is also available from the Portfolio Table. - Broker/Investment Company Report: shows information for all brokers/ investment companies, along with managed local securities and account numbers. This report is also available from the Broker/Investment Company Table. You can choose to total commissions and fees over a period. - Global Securities Report: shows all global securities, including current price and yield. This report is also available from the Global Security Table. - User Settings Report: shows the current user settings. This report is also available from the User Settings Form. This report is only available after selling shares. - Open Information for Shares Sold Report: after completing the Sell Shares Form, you can print the selling information without committing the sale. Help Menu Print/View Reports Reports/2 Reports/3 ESC:Exit HMENU MREPMAP PVIEW RREPORT1 RREPORT3 $Reports/2 This screen describes the reports in the second section of the Report Menu. You can print these reports for all portfolios or just the current portfolio. Use the indicted function key to toggle all/current. - Portfolio Detail Report: shows current open values for each local security in the portfolio. You can generate subtotals based on the broker/investment company, and choose either a brief or long format. This report is also available from the Portfolio Table and Local Security Table. - Allocation Report: shows allocation percentages by Security Type. This report is also available from the Local Security Table and Portfolio Table. - Schedule B Report, Schedule D-1 Report, Fee Report: shows Schedule B and Schedule D-1. Presents dividend, distribution, and selling information in a format easily transferrable to your tax form. You are prompted to input the tax year before printing, and you can specify whether or not to round off to the nearest dollar. This report is also available from the Portfolio Table. Also, a Fee Report, summarizing fees paid for the year, is generated as some of them may be tax-deductible. Help Menu Print/View Reports Reports/1 Reports/3 ESC:Exit HMENU MREPMAP PVIEW RREPORT1 RREPORT2 $Reports/3 This screen describes the reports in the third section of the Report Menu. You can print these reports for all or selected local securities, and for all or a range of dates. Use the indicated function keys to select securities or specify a date range. These reports apply only to the current portfolio. - Activity Summary Report: shows the cumulative and short term open, closed, and distribution values along with gain/loss for the specified period. Also shows the security's total return over the period, and combines purchases, sales, and distributions to present your performance over the period. This report is also available from the Local Security Table. - Activity Detail Report (Open Shares Detail Report, Closed Shares Detail Report, Distribution Detail Report, Mixed Detail Report): shows individual transactions from the activity logs, and a total for the specified period. If all logs are requested, they can be grouped by log type or by security. The Open Shares Detail, Closed Shares Detail, and Distribution Detail Reports are available from the respective activity log tables. The Mixed Detail Report is also available from the Local Security Table. - Price History Report: shows price history, distributions, and stock splits for a global security. High and low prices are flagged. This report is also available from the Price History Table. Help Menu Print/View Reports Reports/1 Reports/2 ESC:Exit HMENU GGLOSEC LLOCSEC Security Types A Security Type is a specific type or class of security, such as Bond Mutual Fund or Large Company Stock. It's associated with the global security. Capital Gainz provides many security types to choose from. Some are as general as Mutual Fund, while others are as specific as Small Company Stock Fund. You can stick with the broad classes or use the narrower ones - it's up to you. A key attribute of the security types is their status with regards to taxing dividends/interest. All security types with 'tax free' in their names are treated as distributing tax-free dividends or interest on Schedule B. Security types are divided into several categories: Stock Types Stock Fund Types Bond Types Bond Fund Types Cash Types Other Types Other Fund Types The Allocation Report for your portfolio shows the percentage of each security type, and also for each of the larger categories. Help Menu Global Securities Local Securities ESC:Exit HMENU MACTMAP SMETHODS AACTLOG Selling Shares To record a sale, fill in the Sell Shares Form. You get to this form from the Activity submenu, or from the Closed Shares Log via the Log Maintenance submenu. When you get to it from the Activity submenu, the form is repeatedly accepted until you explicitly exit. Function keys on the Sell Shares Form let you go to the Buy Shares Form, go to the Distribution Form, and toggle calculations. Also, short-cut keys let you immediately accept/reject the form. Using the accept key is the same as hitting ENTER on each field. Using the reject key is the same as hitting ESC on each field, and returns you to the Activity submenu (or log). To help you keep track: a counter in the upper right-hand corner is incremented when a record is written; and when you hit ENTER on a blank Symbol field, a lookup table shows the last recorded activity dates. To change or delete records added with the Sell Shares Form, go to the Closed Shares Log from the Log Maintenance submenu. The log for a local security shows a list of recorded sales, from oldest to most recent. A single sale can create multiple closed shares records, depending on the purchases involved. Help Menu Selling Methods Activity Logs ESC:Exit HMENU User Settings Map User Settings Form Change Set Colors User Settings User Settings Report $Pick Foreground and Background Colors Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MSETMAP PVIEW CCOLORS !User Settings You can customize Capital Gainz by using the User Settings Form. - Long Term Holding Period: number of days a security must be held to be classified as long term. - Price History Interval: interval between price history entries. Shorter interval = more entries = more disk space consumed. - Confirm Adds/Updates/Deletes: request confirmation of the action? - Reinvest Distributions: go to the Buy Shares Form after recording a distr? - Redistribute Proceeds: go to the Buy Shares Form after selling shares? - Log Transactions: not used. - Include Commission in Basis: results in lower absolute gain/loss %. - Use Short Sales: if not, purchases execute slightly faster. - Backup Command: command to execute when you invoke the Backup function. - File Viewer: file viewer to use when viewing reports, leave blank to use internal file viewer. - Price File Read at Startup: DOS file read at startup to update prices. - Printer Attributes (Append Reports, Lines Per Page, Line Draw Chars): described in Print/View Report Help. - Screen Accept/Reject Keys: redefine short-cut keys. - Colors: see the Colors Help. Help Menu Print/View Report Colors ESC:Exit HMENU !Stock Splits When a security declares a stock split, you need to record it using the Split function on the Local Security Table. The split is applied to all local securities, in all portfolios, that are linked to the associated global security. Stock splits can: - Increase the number of shares, such as in a 2-for-1 split. Whenever you increase the number of shares, the basis price is decreased. - Decrease the number of shares, such as in a 1-for-3 split. Whenever you decrease the number of shares, the basis price is increased. The following files are affected by a stock split: - Local Security File - Open Shares File - Distributions File - Price History File Reversing a split is simple: just split the shares with the inverse split ratio. So, if you performed a 2-for-1 split, to reverse it you'd perform a 1-for-2 split. Stock splits are recorded in the Price History File. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU Unselling Shares After deleting a closed shares record (or a range of closed shares records) from the Closed Shares Log, you are given an option to 'unsell' the shares. Unselling closed shares records means that the open share information is added back to the Open Shares File. The price used for the open shares record is the actual purchase price. The net effect is that you reverse the selling of these open shares. When sold shares records are unsold, Capital Gainz tries to recombine the shares with any existing open shares records. For instance, say you sold 100 shares from a purchase of 200 shares, which changes the open shares record to only have 100 shares. If you then deleted and unsold the 100 shares, Capital Gainz will combine the 100 shares with the remaining open shares record to recreate the original purchase. Unsold records are only recombined with open shares records when the symbol, date, and price match. Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU View Documentation Map View Documentation Menu USERS MANUAL README LICENSE HISTORY Goto Page Number Help Menu ;ESC:Exit HMENU MREPMAP RREPORT1 RREPORT2 RREPORT3 Print/View Reports Reports can be sent to: - The screen: the report can be scrolled up and down using the arrow keys or the page up/down keys. You can also go to a specific page number. Viewing the online documentation via the Main Menu option is similar to viewing a report. However, a small index file, generated at installation, speeds up direct page access when viewing the users manual. - The printer: the report is sent to the default printer, the PRN device. - A DOS file: the report is printed to the specified ASCII DOS file. Related user settings are: - Append Reports: if you send the report to a DOS file, this setting tells Capital Gainz to append or overwrite any existing file. - Lines Per Page: 58 is good for most laser printers, and 64 for dot matrix. - Line Draw Chars: if report separator lines are funny characters or non- existent, specify NO. Alternate characters will be used. - File Viewer: you can use a different file viewer instead of the internal one. Specify the complete path of the file viewer to use, or leave it blank to use the internal one. If you use an external file viewer, you should use a RAM drive for temporary files (see the users manual for details). Help Menu Reports/1 Reports/2 Reports/3 ESC:Exit ABOUT ACTLOG \ ACTMAP y BACKUP BRKMAP b BROKER BUY CALC s COLORS t% DELRNG DISTR DISTYPE FIXUP +< FLOWMAP GLOFIL GLOSEC *H GSCMAP EN LOCFIL hQ LOCSEC LOGMAP {\ LSCMAP MAINMAP MENU METHODS Am NAVMAP PORMAP PORT -x PRICE RELFIL REPMAP | REPORT1 REPORT2 9 REPORT3 SECTYPE SELL SETMAP e SETTINGS SPLITS w UNSELL VDOCMAP O VIEW